Sunday, September 13, 2009

Journal #4

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?
Ans.: I can use it on my everyday living and for my future.

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation,
ans.: I would like my teacher to correct my wrong answer and explain it to me. To my classmate I would like them to understand me.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
ans.: Everyone has entitled to his/her opinion. I would like my teachers to listen my opinion and give advice to me.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
ans.: I will study his/her given suggestion or presentation.

- when you commit mistake;
ans.: If i commit mistake. I want my teachers to correct me and forgive me.

- when you don’t like doing what they ask you to do
ans.: I will tell them that I don't what to do what they want because it will not good for me.

- when they want to give you their comments or suggestions?
ans.: I will accept their comments or suggestions and if it is good I will apply it on my daily life.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
ans.: I will respect all the Malayan community: teachers , students , employees , security , maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel to the best that i can be.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Journal #10

"Negative peer pressure"

I have one experience these happen when I'm 4th year student time of signing of clearance some of my classmate says to me that copy only the sign of the teachers but I can't do that because I realized that is wrong. My decision not to do that negative peer pressure.

Journal #9

Resposible person is that I can do by my own.

At home my responsibilty is to do the household chores.
At school my responsibilty is to study.
At my community my responsibility is to clean the environment because to clean the environment is for a healthy leaving.

Journal #8

The challenge that I choose is to tell the truth.

I tell to my father and mother that everyday
I've always playing computer games.My parents
says to me "I allow you to play computer games
but not everyday".I feel shy to my parents
because I avoid what them says.I learned to the challenge
that Honesty is the best policy.

Journal #7

My realizations and plans to my health

I realize that i have an asthma and my plans hopefully my asthma is gone.

Journal #5

Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule

5:00am - 6:00am - wake up in the morning / self preparations including meals/merienda.
6:00am - 6:45am - Travel going to school
7:00am - 11:30am - School Hours
12:00pm - 12:30pm - eat lunch
1:00pm - 2:30pm - watching T.V.
3:oopm - 5:30pm - doing assignments / Reviewing lessons
6:00pm - 6:30pm - eat dinner
7:00pm - 8:00pm - watching T.V.
8:00pm - Time to sleep

Monday / 7:00am - 11:30am - I.T. and Values Education
Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday / 7:00am - 11:30am - Social Science,Humanities and Math
Wednesday / 7:00am - 12:30pm - P.E. and English
Friday / 7:00am - 12:30pm - Drawing and English

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

The challenge that I accomplished is that i have just graduated in highschool.
That I have no failing grades and no bad record in guidance councilor.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Journal #6

The challenge did i take is to get high score in a quiz or seatwork.I get high score atleast some of my subject like math.I beat that challenge because i study hard.I learned that not all the things is a joke means to be serious in study.

"An Inconvenient Truth"
The most striking in the movie is when Al Gore discuss the Co2 in past was lesser than the present

My feelings and emotions in watching the movie is sad.

My realization after watching the movie is that destroy the world is us.

The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment is plant a trees,avoid fire of plastic,dont throw garbage in lake and conserve energy.